So how did our story begin?
For several years I traveled around the world, looking for a simpler, more sensible and natural way of life. I embarked on a globe-trotting journey, seeking answers to my quest. I traveled to Malta, Scotland, the US, India, Turkey, Jordan, France, Bulgaria and other countries. Everywhere I went, I noticed that once I found the most remote village, there, plants were an integral part of everyday life, part of the household. Plants served a wide range of functions beyond nutrition; as medicine, for healing, for beauty, and as nourishment for the skin. I stayed and lived in some of these villages and learned from them a slow, clear, and vibrant lifestyle that is deeply connected to the natural world and to the local plants.
While living in different countries, I absorbed and internalized a slower rhythm of life. The daily routine was a slower, more meditative and meaningful. When I returned home, I yearned to bring home this slower pace and rhythm.
During our first pregnancy, we discovered that even though we raised goats, chickens, and grew vegetables, we owned and used products that contained toxic chemicals. These included our shampoo, soap, toothpaste, and other conventional toiletries.
An online search revealed the most dismal information – cosmetic products in the industrial age are based mostly on chemicals – in every cream, soap, or ordinary shampoo there are hundreds of toxic chemicals that average consumers apply, massage, bath in on a daily basis. This new realization made us begin to research and read the fine print on the cleaning and cosmetic products in our home – slowly but surely, the deodorant, the shampoo, the soap and the massage oil for our son were thrown away. We were left empty-handed but at least toxins-free.
As I studied, I realized how much we, as consumers are unaware of how exposed we were to this industrial chemical soup. And on the other hand, I was filled with amazement at the incredible vitality, health, and beauty that the plant kingdom has to offer our bodies, our children, and our homes.
From this point on, our kitchen became a laboratory. Between meal preparations, we began to try and craft soaps, lotions, wonderful deodorant from the louisa plants in our garden and other amazing treasures we found in our garden.
Along with the practical experience, I studied aromatherapy and later on natural herbal cosmetics in England, the US and in Israel.
These days I find that the real research and study continues in the laboratory of life – neighbors, family, children, and friends; and how natural cosmetics impacts their skin, their health. Discovering the miraculous healing wonders of natural ingredients both for personal care as well for healing – body and soul.
Today, the kitchen has become a family-owned, boutique business, most of our customers are word-of-mouth, return customers who fell in love with our products and became avid fans of our luxurious, natural skincare products. We pride ourselves with excellent quality, strongly rooted in values of family, and social and environmental awareness. We believe that small changes make the greatest difference in life.